Asked by Ankit Agrawal | 4th of April 2020
career counselling career guidanceInformation Technology
Healthcare & Medical Sciences
Artificial Intelligence
Engineering / Mechanical / Chemical
Business Management
Data Management
Skill Development / Skill institutions
Banking / financial instituitions
Commerce / CA
Doctors / Specialists
Cyber Security
Construction Engineer
Aviation Engineer
Following are highest payed jobs in 2020
Data science
Artificial intelligence
Investment Banker
Actuarial Science
Medical Science
Chartered Accountant
Internet of things
By I want a job , you mean that you want to earn money to lead a happy life. The highest paid jobs 2020 are as follows:
Data Scientist
Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning)
Investment Banker
Software developer (Full stack, Blockchain)
Commercial Pilots
Cyber Security
Cloud Computing
Healthcare Services
It is very easy to answer,
I can search in Google and write it down but it is not the right way to answer.
After corona virus crisis everything will change.
It is not a good way to choose a career also. My answer is very straight
I want to earn more money.